Investors plan to build Pulp and Paper Mill in Tomsk Region
Tomsk Region Governor Sergei Zhvachkin in the presence of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping will sign in Moscow a memorandum on the construction of an indusrtial forest products complex that will include a pulp and paper mill, sawmill, and CHP plant in the Tomsk Region of Russia.Chinese investors Xinjiang Zhongtai Group, Xinjiang Fulida Fibre, and RosKitInvest will invest about 50 billion rubles in “Beloyarsky LPK”, according to Russian news agency RIA Tomsk. Mr. Zhvachkin said, “We primarily assessed the possible impact of pulp and paper production on the environment, studied the experience of building such facilities in Oslo and other European cities. Modern technological level PPM allows the processing of raw materials and disposal of waste, nullifying the impact on the environment.” RIA Tomsk said the project will be implemented during 2015 – 2020.