Lecta publishes its 2023 Sustainability Report
Aligned with its ESG strategy, the report presents last year’s progress on implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
Lecta’s ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) strategy is a key pillar of its business strategy, and this second Sustainability Report highlights improvements in the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) defined in 2022 in the three essential ESG areas. It also presents a more complete and detailed analysis of the achievements and progress made last year.
“By setting ambitious sustainability goals and implementing concrete actions, we are actively contributing to a more sustainable world. As the CEO, I take pride in reporting our ongoing endeavors to reduce our environmental impact and carbon footprint, prioritize renewable resources, and promote social responsibility across our operations,” says Gilles Van Nieuwenhuyzen, CEO of Lecta.
Lecta attaches the utmost importance to ambitious targets and responsible actions in the field of sustainability. Completely aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it contributes to 11 of the 17 goals, as detailed in the report.
The company’s ambitious roadmap for reducing CO2 emissions and its decarbonization and energy efficiency plan are key factors in its efforts to protect the environment and the climate. The report presents Lecta’s progress on calculating its Organizational and Product Carbon Footprints (OCF and PCF) based on the SBTi (Science-Based Targets initiative) methodology, a global standard for the transition to a low-carbon economy.
Other sections of the 2023 Sustainability Report focuses on Lecta’s principles and achievements in the fields of social and governance issues. Ensuring the health and safety of its employees and respecting the people and communities in which it operates are top priorities for the company. In addition to the solid foundations of the Group Code of Ethics, the new policies and regulations implemented last year have served to further reinforce the high standard of Lecta’s business ethics.