
Mondi partners with TU Graz on a third Christian Doppler lab to research paper porosity and consumer impact

Mondi launched its third scientific cooperation to date with the Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) in Austria.

Mondi partners with TU Graz on a third Christian Doppler lab to research paper porosity and consumer impact
Leo Arpa, Head of R&D Paper at Mondi, together with Karin Zojer, Laboratory head, Christian Doppler-Lab for ‘Mass Transport through Paper’.

Mondi is the corporate partner and sponsor of the Christian Doppler Laboratory for ‘Mass Transport through Paper’, which will research the porosity of paper and how particles – such as gases, compressible liquids and microorganisms – travel through paper. The findings are expected to have practical applications for Mondi packaging and paper solutions, for example for food packaging.

Laboratory head Karin Zojer explains, “We want to understand the special pore structure of paper and be able to explain its influence on the transport of diverse types of particles through it. Only with this knowledge can the porosity of paper be swiftly and optimally adapted to the desired packaging application.”

Mondi has already partnered with the TU Graz on two other Christian Doppler laboratories: one launched in January 2016 that is currently studying fibre swelling and paper performance, and another that ran from 2007 to 2014 and researched Surface Chemical and Physical Fundamentals of Paper Strength.

Leo Arpa, Head of R&D Paper at Mondi, commented at the opening ceremony, “Our experience with our two previous Christian Doppler laboratory partnerships has shown the clear benefits of these unique scientific collaborations. Combining the knowledge of the Mondi laboratories with the expertise of TU Graz scientists helps us increase the efficiency and performance of our packaging and paper products. This enhances the state of research and benefits our customers by adding value to their product packaging or materials and thus enhancing their own customers’ experience.”

This latest research partnership will microscopically investigate the pore structure of paper to develop mathematical models that will aid the scientific investigation of various transport processes through paper. The aim is to predict how the pore structure determines individual transport processes through paper. This research has implications for a number of commercial applications, including how ink behaves in the pore structure of paper during printing, the ventilation processes when filling paper sacks with bulk materials, and the reciprocal effects between packaging and packaged goods, especially food.

Christian Doppler laboratories engage in application-oriented, high-level fundamental research. In this context, distinguished scientists co-operate with innovative enterprises. The Christian Doppler Research Association is internationally recognised as a best-practice example for the promotion of this co-operation. Christian Doppler Laboratories are jointly financed by the public sector and the participating private companies. The most important public sponsoring agency is the Federal Ministry for Digital, Business and Enterprise of Austria.

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