Kruger’s #PM10 rebuild project on budget and on time
Kruger’s No. 10 Paper Machine (PM10) rebuild project is proceeding on time and on budget at the Trois-Rivières Mill. The company offered a behind-the-scenes look at the construction site of this the large-scale project that represents 500,000 person-hours of work over 20 months.
Once the project is completed in May 2017, the mill will start manufacturing 100% recycled lightweight and high-strength linerboard for which demand is increasing in North America and around the world.
Kruger and the Government of Québec in September 2015 say the project is already generating major benefits for the Mauricie region and for Québec, as it involves no less than 80 local businesses. Approximately $135 million of the overall $250-million budget has been committed to date, including $40 million for Trois-Rivières suppliers and $60 million for suppliers elsewhere in Québec.
Some 200 workers are currently completing the pulp mill, which will supply the new production line with recycled fibre, while the company makes the most of each PM10 maintenance shutdown to work on the paper machine. During the project’s final phase, from February 26 to May 7, 2017, PM10 will cease all newsprint production and more than 350 workers will work in rotating shifts for 20 hours a day to complete the rebuild.
Daniel Archambault, Executive Vice President of Kruger about the progress of work
“We are satisfied with the progress of work. Not only is the project on time and on budget, but it boasts a very positive health and safety record, which is a testimony to the know-how and professionalism of everyone involved: employees, suppliers and partners alike,” said Daniel Archambault, Executive Vice President, Kruger.
Kruger has invested $250 million in the project to ensure optimal results, as PM10 will be completely rebuilt and as efficient as a new machine. Well before work got under way, Kruger’s engineers toured numerous manufacturing plants in North America and Europe to find the best technology for manufacturing 100% recycled lightweight and high-strength linerboard of the best possible quality.
Commercialized as XTR, the new linerboard grades to be manufactured at the Trois-Rivières Mill will meet increasing demand for ultra-light packaging without compromising strength, performance or the environmental footprint.
PM10’s annual production will total 360,000 metric tonnes of XTR linerboard, an exclusive product that Kruger Inc. will be the first to manufacture in North America. A portion of the production will be used by Kruger’s packaging plants in LaSalle, Quebec, and Brampton, Ontario, while the remainder will be sold to packaging manufacturers across Canada and the United States.