Kemira ranked as the best Large Cap company in Finland
Kemira was ranked #1 in the Large Cap company category and achieved top positions in several categories in the Regi Investor Relations survey.
Olli Turunen, Head of Kemira Investor Relations was ranked as the best Investor Relations Officer. Top Management improved their rankings compared to previous year; Jari Rosendal, President & CEO and Petri Castrén, CFO, both reached the fourth position in their categories. In managements’ availability, Kemira was also rated #1. In addition, Kemira was considered to have the best IR website in user friendliness & functionality, the best quarterly reports, the best annual report, the best Capital Markets Day and roadshows among other things.
In IR Nordic Markets survey, analysts evaluate Nordic companies’ financial communication on 24 criteria. Neste and Huhtamäki were ranked as second and third after Kemira in the large cap category.
A total of around 1200 company specific evaluations from sell side analysts have been collected from the mid of August to November, 2016. This has been done through an internet based survey and telephone interviews. This year’s reference list included 129 companies, of which 23 were Finnish large cap companies.