The planted trees industry exports presented good performance in the first quarter of 2016
The Brazilian planted trees industry exports presented good performance in the first quarter of 2016.
From January through March, the pulp exports volume totaled 3.2 million tons, a 12.8% growth year-over-year, when 2.8 million tons were exported. For the wood panels segment, the amount exported in the first three months of the year totaled 195,000 m³, a 58.5% growth year-over-year, when exports totaled 123,000 m³. Paper exports totaled 515,000 tons; an 11.5% high compared to the same period last year, when 462,000 tons were exported.
Please see below the other performance indicators for the planted trees industry
– Exports revenue: in the first three months of 2016, exports revenues from pulp, paper and wood panels totaled US$ 2 billion, which represents a 9.7% increase year-over-year, when the total was US$ 1.8 billion. The industry’s balance of trade in the first quarter of 2016 was US$ 1.7 billion, 20.9% higher compared to the same period in 2015.
– Production: in the first quarter of 2016, Brazilian pulp production reached 4.5 million tons, a high of 9.4% year-over-year, when 4.1 million tons were produced. Paper production totaled 2.6 million tons in the first three months of 2016, 0.6% higher compared to 2015.
– Domestic Sales – In the first quarter of 2016, domestic paper sales achieved 1.3 million tons, a 1.5% increase year-over-year. In the wood panels segment, domestic sales achieved 1.6 million m³, 11.5% lower year-over-year.