An exclusively family-owned business since the beginning in 1929, Mingazzini S.r.l. still keeps unchanged its brand pride and its values, handed down for four generations. These values, in perfect combination with the technological upgrading and innovation, over time have created a modern company that continues to pay close attention to the customer: not only in terms of the highest quality of the product, but also for an excellent level of pre- and after-sales service.
Our history and know-how to answer to every new and challenging need of the Customer
All this in order to create a concrete proactive and one-to-one cooperation relationship with the customer. Production has been always focused exclusively on steam boilers for industrial use, in particular on medium pressure fire tube boilers. Nowadays, Mingazzini steam boilers PB_EU series, three passes design with passing flame, cover ratings from 2,000 to 30,000 kg/h. PVR_EU series boilers, back flame design, cover ratings from 350 to 5,000 kg/h. Main technical features of firetube steam boilers include:
- three passes to reach high efficiency;
- wet back with reversal chamber totally immersed in water to widen the surface directly exposed to the flame and no refractory material to cut off maintenance costs, the loss of heat through radiation and the overheating of the rear tube plate;
- big water content and a wide evaporating surface, so granting a high thermal volume and the best steam quality;
- firetube with big diameter, to enhance the efficiency, always observing the most severe environmental standards for flue exhausts,
Fox corrugated as a standard for boilers with ratings higher or equal to 10 t/h of steam, on request for lower ratings; - tube plates with rounded edges to uniformly absorb the expansion of the main body and the tube nest, functioning as real compensators, avoiding the risks of “breakage” typical of corner welded flat plates;
- maximum accessibility and maintainability through hinged doors both in the front smoke chamber and the rear one for total and immediate accessibility to the smoke tubes and the tube plates (for cleaning, maintenance and ease of inspection on the part of the Authorities entrusted with periodic inspections).