Recycled fiber systems for all paper grades; stock preparation and machine approach systems; Prime-Line tissue, paper and board machines; Yankee field service and Yankee life cycle management; sludge and reject handling systems; engineered wear products for complete stock preparation, e.g. screen baskets, rotors, cleaner, pulping and dewatering equipment as well as refiner plates; forming fabrics for all types of paper machines and papers, technical wire cloths for industrial applications; centrifugal pumps open or closed impellers; medium-consistency pumps and equipments, fan pumps, self-priming pumps, vortex pumps, multi-stage pumps and vertical pumps, dynamic steam and heating system.
Aeration and deaeration plants, Air conditioning plants, Air heaters, Assembling, Automation systems, Bleaching plants, Calenders, Calenders revamping, Centrifugal pumps, Chemical fluid pumps, Chests, Cleaners, Cleaning systems, Coating machines and plants, Condensate plants, Control instruments and systems, Controlled wind reelers, Controllers, Conveying equipments, Conveying screws, Conveyors, Core drums, Creping cylinders, Cylinders, Deflakers, Deinking systems, Dewatering machines, Disc filters, Dispersing machines, Dissolving plants, Dosing pumps, Drum filters, Dryers and drying plants, Drying cylinders, Drying hoods, Dust extractors, Energy Saving, Exhausters, Fabric guide, Fans, Felt guide, Fiberizer, Fibre preparation systems, Fibre recovery filters, Flotations plants, Forming fabrics, Headboxes, Heat exchangers, Heat recovery systems, High density cleaners, High pressure pumps, Hydrocyclones, Maintenance, Measuring and control equipments, Measuring instruments and systems, Mechanical seals, Medium consistence pumps, Mixers, Non-woven machines, Paper machines, Paper Mills plants, Paperboard machines, Perforated screen plates, Presses, Pressurized headboxes, Process computers control, Process controls for paper machines, Production lines, Project planning, Pulp plants, Pulp presses, Pulp pumps, Pulp washers, Pulper feeds, Pulpers, Pulpers for paper machines, Pumps, Recovery plants, Reelers, Refiner bars, Refiner controllers, Refiner disks, Refiners, Roller bearings for paper machines, Rolls, Screening machines, Screens, Screw presses, Shafts, Sludge dewatering plants, Spare parts, Standard chemical pumps, Steam and condensate systems, Stock preparation systems, Suction box bars, Suction press rolls, Suction rolls, Technical service, Thickeners, Thickening filters, Topformers, Twin wire formers, Ventilation equipments, Washing filters, Waste paper preparation systems, Yankee cylinders, Yankee hoods.
Wolfgang Leitner
Executive Manager (Pulp & Paper, Separation)
Humbert Köfler
Executive Manager (Pulp & Paper)
Joachim Schönbeck