Companies in the paper industry, forced to abandon traditional motor-driven vehicles mainly for environmental reasons, are choosing the large capacity electric forklift trucks produced by Carer Forklift. This is mainly due to the compact dimensions of the vehicles (much smaller even at the same capacity than endothermic powered vehicles) and to the long and unrivaled autonomy offered by the 96 v and 120 v lead acid batteries and lithium batteries.
Carer Forklift trucks are able to guarantee the capacities needed to handle reels, up to high lifting heights, even with single front tires. Compared to trucks equipped with twin and therefore wider front tires (note: the Z, F and A series trucks are mm. 1,670 to mm. 1,830 wide), these vehicles, as wide as the reels, offer the advantage of being able to store much more material in the same amount of space. The elimination of noise and pollution, with the reduction of dust inside the sheds, make work less stressful for the operator. A trend that is set to grow. We are now going to outline some of the examples from the Carer Forklift’s catalogue that display the extraordinary efficiency of this kind of application.